Friday, March 31, 2006

# 9.8 Area Word Problems II / # 10.1 Pythagorean Theorem

# 9.8
  • (1-12) all

# 10.1

  • Investigation 10.1
  • yes, you MUST CONSTRUCT, CUT OUT and PASTE your squares!!!
  • (1-15) all

Have a PG-13 weekend!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

# 9.6 Area of a Sector, Segment, & Annulus / # 9.7 Surface Area

# 9.6
  • (1-17) all

# 9. 7

  • Read the examples on pgs. 461 - 463
  • No new material in this section. To do well in this section, you must be able to visualize a 3-D solid in your head and then break it up into its individual surfaces. Determine how many surfaces you have. Then, find the area of each individual surface. Finally, add up all the areas to get your TSA (total surface area). Remember, if you can see the surface or touch it, you must include it in your TSA.
  • (1-12) all

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

# 9.5 Area of a Circle

# 9.5
  • perform the investigation (1 conjecture)
  • you MUST cut out the 16 wedges of your circle & glue them onto your paper into a shape you already know the formula for
  • then you should derive the formula in a paragraph proof
  • (1-16) all

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

# 9.3 Area Word Problems & # 9.4 Areas of Regular Polygons

# 9.3
  • (1-6) all
  • Yes, they're hard.
  • Just try them.
  • Challenge yourselves.

# 9.4

  • Investigation 9.4 (1 conjecture)
  • (1-15) all

Monday, March 27, 2006

# 9.1 Areas of Rectangles & Parallelograms, # 9.2 Areas of Triangles, Trapezoids, & Kites

# 9.1
  • Read pgs 434-435
  • Perform Investigation 9.1.1-9.1.2 (2 conjectures)
  • (1-24) all
  • (27-30) all

# 9.2

  • Perform Investigations 9.2.1-9.2.3 (3 conjectures)
  • (1-16) all
  • (22-24) all

Little hint: Make sure your notebook is organized!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Warm fuzzy circle problems

PH # 7.6 (Circumference)
  • (42-56) all

PH #11.3 (Inscribed Angles)

  • READ objective 2 and example 3 on pgs. 600-601 to get 2 new laws not in the Discovering Geometry book!
  • (21-24) all

PH # 11.1 (Tangent Lines)

  • (18-22) all

PH # 11.4 (Read through the examples in this section for clarification on today's lesson!)

  • (1-6) all
  • (9-14) all
  • (23-25) all

Don't forget to bring in your books for the book drive. The books can be of any subject at any level. Books must be in good condition, no opened or ripped books will be accepted. All of the donated books will be going to Kids in Distress.

Since I won't be there tomorrow to collect them, the substitute or Jenni or Chris or Diana, will send around a sheet that you MUST sign in order to get your extra credit. 2 points per book, maximum of 4 points (although you may donate more than 2 books if you feel like being altruistic, but you will get no more than 4 extra credit points).

The book drive is a contest between first hour classes. The first hour class with the most donated books will receive a free breakfast party. That being said and done, please know that I am opening up the extra credit to third hour as well. However, should any of you in 3rd hour choose to donate a book for extra credit, please know that you will be contributing to my first hour winning the breakfast contest rather than your own first hour. The up side is that you will be receiving extra credit points toward your grade in my class though. The choice is up to you.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Ch. 7 Practice Test (Circles)

You are responsible for doing problems 1-38.

You will not be able to do 39-46 as I have not taught them to you yet (tomorrow's lesson).

Post questions/comments here.

Have fun!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

# 7.7 Arc Length

# 7.7
  • (1-18) all

PH # 7.6

  • (34-39) all

Monday, March 20, 2006

# 7.5 Circumference/Diameter & # 7.6 Word Problems

# 7.5
  • Investigation 7.5
  • (1-14) all - Leave your answers in terms of pi unless you are told to substitute pi with either 3.14 or 22/7

# 7.6

  • (1-10) all

Friday, March 17, 2006

# 7.5 Circumference/Diameter & # 7.6 Circle Word Problems

PH # 7.6 (Circumference)

  • (42-56) all

PH #11.3 (Inscribed Angles)

  • READ objective 2 and example 3 on pgs. 600-601 to get 2 new laws not in the Discovering Geometry book!
  • (21-24) all

PH # 11.1 (Tangent Lines)

  • (18-22) all

PH # 11.4 (Read through the examples in this section for clarification on today's lesson!)

  • (1-6) all
  • (9-14) all
  • (23-25) all

Don't forget to bring in your books for the book drive. The books can be of any subject at any level. Books must be in good condition, no opened or ripped books will be accepted. All of the donated books will be going to Kids in Distress.

Since I won't be there tomorrow to collect them, the substitute or Jenni or Chris or Diana, will send around a sheet that you MUST sign in order to get your extra credit. 2 points per book, maximum of 4 points (although you may donate more than 2 books if you feel like being altruistic, but you will get no more than 4 extra credit points).

The book drive is a contest between first hour classes. The first hour class with the most donated books will receive a free breakfast party. That being said and done, please know that I am opening up the extra credit to third hour as well. However, should any of you in 3rd hour choose to donate a book for extra credit, please know that you will be contributing to my first hour winning the breakfast contest rather than your own first hour. The up side is that you will be receiving extra credit points toward your grade in my class though.

Answers to # 7.3 and # 7.4 HW

I am posting the answers to last night's homework since I did not have an opportunity to tell you the answers due to the Chs. 4/6 Test.

Please check your answers to ensure that you understand the basics before moving on to the next 2 sections of HW.

Feel free to post a question as I will check the blog frequently over the weekend.

Have a PG-13 weekend and Happy St. Patty's Day!

# 7.3 Answers

  1. 50
  2. 55
  3. 30
  4. 105
  5. 76
  6. 46
  7. not assigned
  8. not assigned
  9. not assigned
  10. not assigned
  11. not assigned
  12. not assigned
  13. not assigned
  14. not assigned
  15. not assigned
  16. not assigned
  17. not assigned
  18. Angles A & B must be right angles, but this would make the sum of angle measures in the quadrilateral shown greater than 360 degrees.
  19. answers will vary. The perpendicular to the tangent passes through the center of the circle. Use the T-square to find two diameters pf the Frisbee. The intersection of these 2 lines is the center
  20. y = -8/15 x + 289/15
  21. Answers will vary. The center is @ (-2,-1). One possible method: Plot the 3 points. Construct the midpoint and the perpendicular bisector of the segments connecting 2 different pairs of points. Measure the point of intersection of the 2 lines. To check, construct a circle by center plus point, or measure the distance from the center to the 3 given points.

# 7.4 answers

  1. 65
  2. 30
  3. 70
  4. d= 140, e =42
  5. f= 90, g=100
  6. 50
  7. 50
  8. 148
  9. 44
  10. 142
  11. m=140, n=111
  12. p=71, q=41
  13. r=120, s=60
  14. 180
  15. 75
  16. the 2 inscribed angles intersect the same arc, therefore, they should be equal.
  17. a=50, b=80, c=90, d=65, e=25, f=25, g=56, k=90, l=34, m=56, n=112.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

# 7.3 Discovering Tangent Properties & # 7.4 Arcs and Angles

# 7.3

  • Perform Investigations 7.3.1 - 7.3.2 so that you may complete conjectures 66 and 67
  • (1-6) all
  • (18-21) all

# 7.4

  • Perform Investigations 7.4.1 - 7.4.4 so that you may complete conjectures 68 through 72
  • (1-17) all

P.S. The following students are the winners of the extra credit for Play Ball! # 7.2:

  1. Teresa DeRosa p.3
  2. 3 and out
  3. Lindsay Comora p.3
  4. Chen Ying p.1
  5. Giana Cambria p.3
  6. Meghan Emery p.3
  7. 3 and out
  8. 3 and out
  9. Josh Carmenate p.1
  10. Mario Blanco p.1
  11. Jonathan White p.3
  12. Jiyhe Jung p.3
  13. Sharifa Lindo p.3
  14. 3 and out
  15. 3 and out
  16. 3 and out (although Chen got this right but he already got his 5 pts from #4)
  17. 3 and out

CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners of the Play Ball # 7.2! We appreciate your patronage. Come back and see us again!

Remember, the Chs. 4/6 Test is tomorrow! If I were you, I would practice doing the Ch. 4 Practice Test you downloaded several weeks ago!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Defining Circles and Discovering Chord Properties

# 7.1

  • copy all bold-faced vocabulary words
  • Investigation 7.1 (use Prentice Hall book to verify your definitions) KNOW these definitions like the backs of your hands! I mean it. You KNOW how I feel about you knowing your definitions....

# 7.2

  • Investigations 7.1.1 through 7.2.3
  • complete conjectures 61-65
  • (1-17) all

The early bird gets the worm so call your friends and get them on the blog because we're about to "Play ball!" Back by popular demand.....

The first person to correctly and thoroughly explain how to solve one of the 17 homework problems will receive 5 extra credit points (maximum 5 points per student) Must be registered to win.

The reason you need to call a few of your closest friends is because you can't begin posting solutions until 10 people agree with your conjectures. May the best (better known as most accurate and thorough) students win. Off you go....

P.S. NB Check Ch. 6 on Thursday!

P.P.S. Below is the list of winners from # 6.1's game....

And the winners are.....

Hear ye! Hear ye!

The much anticipated extra credit winners for the following probelms of # 6.1 are:
  1. Mario Blanco p.1
  2. Sherrile Cardona p.1
  3. Stephania Medina p.3
  4. Stuart Royal p.1
  5. no one got it
  6. no one got it
  7. Gaby Herrera (1/2 credit since there was no explanation) p.1
  8. Jonathan Smith p.3
  9. Jennifer Pathiyil p.1
  10. Teresa DeRosa p.3
  11. Kristina Benitez p.1
  12. Giana Cambria p.3
  13. Stephanie Goffredo p.3
  14. Chen Ying p.1
  15. no one got it
  16. no one got it
  17. no one got it (Teresa DeRosa got it correct though)
  18. no one got it
  19. Jihye Jung p.3

Congratulations on your winnings. Please be sure to come back and play again!

For those of you who tried, but did not succeed....

You play until you hear a whistle. You don't stop running with the football because YOU think the play is dead. You keep running for the endzone until the referee blows the whistle!

If I were you, I would have posted answers to several different problems, thus ensuring extra credit for one of them! For exaxmple, if Teresa DeRosa had not gotten extra credit for #10, she would have gotten it for #17. Not everyone who posted an answer was correct, but some of you assumed it was and didn't even try. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

The moral of the story?

The game isn't over until the fat lady sings, or in this case, until the cute little Chinese woman says "# (fill in the blank) is off the market".

Friday, March 10, 2006

Dsicovering Properties of Special Parallelograms

# 6.6
  • Investigation 6.6.1-6.6.3 (Conjectures 56-60)
  • (1-17) all

PH # 6.4

  • (48-50) all
  • (57-60) all
  • (64-66) all

GOOD LUCK to everyone on the FunCAT next week (even though you don't need it because y'all are so WELL prepared). Luck is merely when opportunity meets up with preparation.

Remember to:

  1. get a good nights' rest
  2. eat a healthy breakfast
  3. bring your ID
  4. shut your cell phones OFF (or remove the battery until AFTER testing is over)
  5. be on time

Have a PG-13 weekend!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Discovering Properties of Midsegments and Parallelograms

Perform Investigation 6.4.1 to complete the following conjectures:
  • C-49 The three midsegments of a triangle divide the triangle into -?-
  • C-50 Triangle Midsegment Conjecture: A midsegment of a triangle is -?- to the thrid side and -?- the length of -?-

Perform Investigation 6.4.2 to complete the following conjecture:

  • C-51 Trapezoid Midsegment Conjecture: The midsegment of a trapezoid is -?- to the bases and is equal in length to -?-

# 6.4

  • (1-10) all

PH # 5.1

  • (29-32) all
  • (34-36) all
  • (40-46) all

Perform Investigation 6.5 to complete the following conjectures:

  • C-52 The -?- of a parallelogram are -?-
  • C-53 The -?- of a parallelogram are -?-
  • C-54 The -?- of a parallelogram are -?-
  • C-55 The -?- of a parallelogram are -?-

# 6.5

  • (1-10) all

PH # 6.2

  • (44-52) all

Discovering Properties of Midsegments and Parallelograms

Perform Investigation 6.4.1 to complete the following conjectures:
  • C-49 The three midsegments of a triangle divide the triangle into -?-
  • C-50 Triangle Midsegment Conjecture: A midsegment of a triangle is -?- to the thrid side and -?- the length of -?-

Perform Investigation 6.4.2 to complete the following conjecture:

  • C-51 Trapezoid Midsegment Conjecture: The midsegment of a trapezoid is -?- to the bases and is equal in length to -?-

# 6.4

  • (1-10) all

PH # 5.1

  • (29-32) all
  • (34-36) all
  • (40-46) all

Perform Investigation 6.5 to complete the following conjectures:

  • C-52 The -?- of a parallelogram are -?-
  • C-53 The -?- of a parallelogram are -?-
  • C-54 The -?- of a parallelogram are -?-
  • C-55 The -?- of a parallelogram are -?-

# 6.5

  • (1-10) all

PH # 6.2

  • (44-52) all

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Discovering Kite & Trapezoid Properties

Perform Investigation 6.3.1 through Investigation 6.3.3 so that you may complete the following conjectures:

  • C-42 Kite Diagonals Conjecture: The diagonals of a kite are -?-
  • C-43 Kite Diagonal Bisector Conjecture: The diagonal connecting the vertex angles of a kite is the -?- of the other diagonal.
  • C-44 Kite Angles Conjecture: The -?- angles of a kite are -?-
  • C-45 Kite Angle Bisector Conjecture: The -?- angles of a kite are -?- by a -?-
  • C-46 Trapezoid Consecutive Angles Conjecture: The consecutive angles between the bases of a trapezoid are -?-
  • C-47 Isosceles Trapezoid Conjecture: The base angles of an isosceles trapezoid are -?-
  • C-48 Isosceles Trapezoid Diagonals Conjecture: The diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are -?-

# 6.3

  • (1-7) all

PH # 6.5

  • (20-25) all
  • (27-29) all
  • by the way, PH stands for "Prentice Hall" least 3 other people should confirm your conjectures before you consider them laws so that you may attempt to solve the homework problems!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Exterior Angles of a Polygon

Read pg. 284

Perform Investigation 6.2 so that you may complete the following 2 conjectures:

  • C-40 Exterior Angle Sum Conjecture: The sum of the measures of one set of exterior angles -?-
  • C-41 Equiangular Polygon Conjecture: The measure of each angle of an equiangular n-gon can be found by using either of the following expressions: -?- or -?-

# 6.2

  • (1-16) all
  • (18, 22-26)

Monday, March 06, 2006

Polygon Sum Theorem

# 6.1

  • READ pg. 280
  • perform Investigation 6.1 to get the answers to the following 2 conjectures:
  • C-38 Quadrilateral Sum Conjecture: The sum of the measures of the four angles of every quadrilateral is -?-
  • C-39 Polygon Sum Conjecture: The sum of the measures of the n angles of an n-gon is -?-
  • (1-14) all
  • (16-19) all

Post your conjectures on the blog first. Once you've got 10 other people who agree with your conjectures, then you can attempt problems 1-14 and 16-19.

Let's make things interesting..... awwwwwwwwwwwww yeah!.......

In light of all the long faces after today's test, I am offering up some extra credit tonight. Read on for further details.....

There is a total of 18 problems for homework this evening. I am giving an extra credit 5 points to the student who posts the correct solution AND explanation of said solution of each problem. Once the correct solution/explanation has been posted for that problem, the extra credit has been gobbled up. Move onto the next available question. That means first come, first serve. Stipulations:

  1. you can only receive a maximum of 5 extra credit points tonight. that means if you post a correct solution/explanation for #1, you can't receive extra credit for #2 also. No need to be greedy! Sharing is caring!
  2. you can't begin posting a solution/explanation for extra credit until 10 people post that they agree with your conjectures
  3. be careful.... if you post an incorrect solution/explanation, I will take 5 points away from your grade. Let me know that you want me to consider your answer for extra credit by posting the words"FINAL ANSWER" at the beginning of your posting. Otherwise, I will assume that you are asking a question and do not want to be penalized for a wrong answer.
  4. Remember to type your name and period at the end of your post.

Good Luck! May the best 18 people win the available extra credit points tonight!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Flow Chart Thinking / 2-Column Proofs

# 5.6
  • (1-13) all
  • (17)

Have a PG-13 weekend!

P.S. I hope the study group went well!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS shortcuts to proving congruency of triangles

# 5.4
  • (1-12) all
  • (20-21)

# 5.5

  • (1-15) all
  • (23)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Isosceles Triangle & Triangle Inequalities

# 5.2
  • (1-11) all
  • 19-22) all

# 5.3

  • I.5.3.1 Triangle Inequality Theorem: The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is ? the length if the third side.
  • I.5.3.2 Side-Angle Inequality Theorem: In a triangle, ?
  • I.5.3.3 Triangle Exterior Angle Theorem: The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle ?
  • (1-18) all

Remember to call your fellow group mates to see if your discoveries from your investigations matches theirs. Otherwise, post your conjectures on the blog to see who else shares your sentiments before you attempt to do the homework problems.