Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Discovering Kite & Trapezoid Properties

Perform Investigation 6.3.1 through Investigation 6.3.3 so that you may complete the following conjectures:

  • C-42 Kite Diagonals Conjecture: The diagonals of a kite are -?-
  • C-43 Kite Diagonal Bisector Conjecture: The diagonal connecting the vertex angles of a kite is the -?- of the other diagonal.
  • C-44 Kite Angles Conjecture: The -?- angles of a kite are -?-
  • C-45 Kite Angle Bisector Conjecture: The -?- angles of a kite are -?- by a -?-
  • C-46 Trapezoid Consecutive Angles Conjecture: The consecutive angles between the bases of a trapezoid are -?-
  • C-47 Isosceles Trapezoid Conjecture: The base angles of an isosceles trapezoid are -?-
  • C-48 Isosceles Trapezoid Diagonals Conjecture: The diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are -?-

# 6.3

  • (1-7) all

PH # 6.5

  • (20-25) all
  • (27-29) all
  • by the way, PH stands for "Prentice Hall" least 3 other people should confirm your conjectures before you consider them laws so that you may attempt to solve the homework problems!