Thursday, March 23, 2006

Warm fuzzy circle problems

PH # 7.6 (Circumference)
  • (42-56) all

PH #11.3 (Inscribed Angles)

  • READ objective 2 and example 3 on pgs. 600-601 to get 2 new laws not in the Discovering Geometry book!
  • (21-24) all

PH # 11.1 (Tangent Lines)

  • (18-22) all

PH # 11.4 (Read through the examples in this section for clarification on today's lesson!)

  • (1-6) all
  • (9-14) all
  • (23-25) all

Don't forget to bring in your books for the book drive. The books can be of any subject at any level. Books must be in good condition, no opened or ripped books will be accepted. All of the donated books will be going to Kids in Distress.

Since I won't be there tomorrow to collect them, the substitute or Jenni or Chris or Diana, will send around a sheet that you MUST sign in order to get your extra credit. 2 points per book, maximum of 4 points (although you may donate more than 2 books if you feel like being altruistic, but you will get no more than 4 extra credit points).

The book drive is a contest between first hour classes. The first hour class with the most donated books will receive a free breakfast party. That being said and done, please know that I am opening up the extra credit to third hour as well. However, should any of you in 3rd hour choose to donate a book for extra credit, please know that you will be contributing to my first hour winning the breakfast contest rather than your own first hour. The up side is that you will be receiving extra credit points toward your grade in my class though. The choice is up to you.