Tuesday, March 14, 2006

And the winners are.....

Hear ye! Hear ye!

The much anticipated extra credit winners for the following probelms of # 6.1 are:
  1. Mario Blanco p.1
  2. Sherrile Cardona p.1
  3. Stephania Medina p.3
  4. Stuart Royal p.1
  5. no one got it
  6. no one got it
  7. Gaby Herrera (1/2 credit since there was no explanation) p.1
  8. Jonathan Smith p.3
  9. Jennifer Pathiyil p.1
  10. Teresa DeRosa p.3
  11. Kristina Benitez p.1
  12. Giana Cambria p.3
  13. Stephanie Goffredo p.3
  14. Chen Ying p.1
  15. no one got it
  16. no one got it
  17. no one got it (Teresa DeRosa got it correct though)
  18. no one got it
  19. Jihye Jung p.3

Congratulations on your winnings. Please be sure to come back and play again!

For those of you who tried, but did not succeed....

You play until you hear a whistle. You don't stop running with the football because YOU think the play is dead. You keep running for the endzone until the referee blows the whistle!

If I were you, I would have posted answers to several different problems, thus ensuring extra credit for one of them! For exaxmple, if Teresa DeRosa had not gotten extra credit for #10, she would have gotten it for #17. Not everyone who posted an answer was correct, but some of you assumed it was and didn't even try. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

The moral of the story?

The game isn't over until the fat lady sings, or in this case, until the cute little Chinese woman says "# (fill in the blank) is off the market".