Wednesday, April 05, 2006

# 10.4 Special Right Triangles

# 10.4
  • (1-32) all

PH # 7.3

  • (10-29) all
  • (34-39) all
  • (41)
  • read through the examples on pgs. 366-368 if you get lost

P.S. Today's poll question: When would you prefer to have your Ch. 10 Test? This Friday or the first day back from Spring Break (Tuesday)?


  • 1st hour: this Friday 7 1st day after break 16
  • 2nd hour: this Friday 16 1st day after break 10
  • final tally: this Friday 23 1st day after break 26

Ms. Chan's students... you voted. The votes have been tallied. Results-coming up next on American Idol. Ooops! Sorry. I thought I was Ryan Seacrest for a moment.

Anyways, the good news....the majority of you have decided that you wish to have the Ch. 10 Test on the first day back from break (isn't deomcracy great?). This means your Ch. 10 Test will not be until Tuesday, April 18th. Congratulations!

Now for the bad news.....What this also means is that you will have homework over Spring Break since I don't have to push to get done this week (isn't democracy great?). I will just spread it out over the break. Once again, congratulations!

I'll see y'all tomorrow! :o)