Thursday, April 27, 2006

# 12.1 Ratios & Proportions; # 12.2 Similar Figures

# 12.1
  • (6-19) all

# 12.2

  • (6-19) all

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

# 11.8 Surface Area of a Sphere

# 11.8
  • (1-13) all

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

# 11.7 Volume of a Sphere & # 11.9 Volume Word Problems again

# 11.7
  • (1-16) all

# 11.9

  • (4, 6, 7, 8)

Monday, April 24, 2006

# 11.6 Density

# 11.6
  • (1-12) all

# 11.9

  • (1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10)

Friday, April 21, 2006

# 11.4 and # 11.5 again

Since you took the Ch. 10 Test today, no new HW assignment will be posted. Be sure to finish last night's assignment of #11.4 and #11.5 for Monday. Have a stupendous PG-13 weekend!

What do you think? Click the following link:
All of the responses I read were from adults. But what do the students think? Especially if you are one of the "good" kids. I think you guys should jump into the fray and offer your opinions.

P.S. Don't forget to print and have your parent(s) sign interim reports for extra credit!!!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

# 11.4 Volume of Pyramids / Cones and # 11.5 Volume Word Problems

# 11. 4
  • (1-21) all

# 11. 5

  • (1-17) all

Technically, we won't go over these problems until Monday since you will be taking your Ch. 10 Test tomorrow. Therefore, you've got the entire weekend to complete # 11.4 and # 11.5 homework.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

# 11.3 Volume of a Prism / Cylinder

# 11. 3
  • (1-19) all
  • Volume of a Prism or Cylinder = BH
  • B = area of the base which means that B will be substituted with one of the following formulas depending on what shape(s) your base(s) is/are:
  • A of a triangle = 1/2 bh
  • A of a parallelogram = bh
  • A of a trapezoid = 1/2 (b1 + b2) h
  • A of a regular polygon = 1/2 asn
  • A or a kite = 1/2 d1 * d2
  • A of a circle= pi r ^2
  • A of a sector = a/360 * pi r^2
  • A of a segment = a/360 - 1/2 bh
  • A of an annulus = pi (R^2 - r^2)

Don't forget to take some time to prepare for Friday's Ch. 10 Test after you're finished with tonight's easy homework!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

# 11.1 Polyhedrons, Prisms, & Pyramids and # 11.2 Solids with Curved Surfaces

# 11.1 Polyhedrons, Prisms, & Pyramids

  • Read pgs. 524-529
  • know all the bold-faced words
  • Investigation 11.1
  • (1-27) all

# 11.2 Solids with Curved Surfaces

  • Read pgs. 532-533
  • know bold-faced words
  • (1-9, 14-34) all

28 days left of school!

Ch. 10 Test this Friday!

Check out the link below:,0,7371230.story?coll=sfla-news-education

Friday, April 07, 2006

Ch. 10 Pre-Test & Solutions

TSK..... TSK...... TSK.....

to those of you who did not come to school today. I went over a new (somewhat complicated) lesson. Also, as a reward to those who value education by showing up for class today, I gave each student a copy of the Ch. 10 Pre-Test AND a copy of my solutions.

If you were absent, the only way you can get your hands on these very valuable documents is if you call someone over break AND (s)he is nice enough to hook you up. Otherwise, you will have to wing the test.

Have a Pg-13 Spring Break! See y'all on Tuesday, April 18th! Be prepared for the Ch. 10 Test!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

# 10. 5 Multiples of Right Triangles and # 10.6 Word Problems Part 2

# 10.5
  • (1-21) all
  • (25-30) all

# 10.6

  • (1-12) all
  • (16-17) both

Don't forget to find a picture that personifies you. Remember to keep it PG-13!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

# 10.4 Special Right Triangles

# 10.4
  • (1-32) all

PH # 7.3

  • (10-29) all
  • (34-39) all
  • (41)
  • read through the examples on pgs. 366-368 if you get lost

P.S. Today's poll question: When would you prefer to have your Ch. 10 Test? This Friday or the first day back from Spring Break (Tuesday)?


  • 1st hour: this Friday 7 1st day after break 16
  • 2nd hour: this Friday 16 1st day after break 10
  • final tally: this Friday 23 1st day after break 26

Ms. Chan's students... you voted. The votes have been tallied. Results-coming up next on American Idol. Ooops! Sorry. I thought I was Ryan Seacrest for a moment.

Anyways, the good news....the majority of you have decided that you wish to have the Ch. 10 Test on the first day back from break (isn't deomcracy great?). This means your Ch. 10 Test will not be until Tuesday, April 18th. Congratulations!

Now for the bad news.....What this also means is that you will have homework over Spring Break since I don't have to push to get done this week (isn't democracy great?). I will just spread it out over the break. Once again, congratulations!

I'll see y'all tomorrow! :o)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

# 10. 3 Word Problems involving right triangles

# 10.3
  • (1-13) all

Monday, April 03, 2006

# 10.2 Converse of Pythagorean Theorem

Investigation # 10.1 AGAIN!
  1. CONSTRUCT a MEDIUM (not too big, but definitely not too small!) scalene right triangle in the MIDDLE of your CARDBOARD paper (hypotenuse down). If you don't have cardboard paper, then glue two of them together to get some thickness to it. Label the hypotenuse AB and the longer leg BC.
  2. CONSTRUCT a square on each side of the triangle.
  3. Label the square on the longer leg BCDE. Color this square yellow.
  4. Label the square on the shorter leg AGFC. Color this square a light blue or green.
  5. Label the square on the hypotenuse ABIH.
  7. ON ORIGINAL CARDBOARD PAPER: Locate the center of BCDE (intersection of the 2 diagonals). Label the point O.
  8. Through point O, CONSTRUCT line j perpendicular to the hypotenuse.
  9. Through point O, CONSTRUCT line k parallel to the hypotenuse. Lines j and k divide BCDE into 4 parts.
  10. Cut out square AGFC and the 4 parts of square BCDE. Arrange them to EXACTLY cover square ABIH on the hypotenuse.

# 10.2

  • Investigation 10.2
  • (1-17) all

Remember, the Ch. 9 Test is tomorrow! Practice re doing some of the HW problems for review.