Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Study Group

I LOVE the fact that Kristina (and a few others) are trying to get this study group idea off the ground so I am going to help them out by posting Kristina's comment below as a main posting. Please read the posting and respond with either:
  1. "Friday after school at school" or
  2. "Saturday at 2 p.m. at Barnes and Noble".

hey guys kristina here.....well Leo and I were talkin today in PE while reciting our conjectures lol ::smiles at leo:: we were thinking the solution to this whole study session thing could be that we meet every first and thrid friday or saturday of every month at barnes and nobles at 2:00 pm....

NOW TO MY FELLOW GEOMETRY HONORS PEERS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS POST EITHER "friday" or "saturday" on which day you would like to meet....this is very easy...please dont make it any harder.....man i am startin to sound like ms.chan...lol....love you ms.chan and i am going to keep my promise...anyways back to topic please submit a vote (tolls closing at midnight). i will tally up the votes and we will have come to a conclusion.....i will announce the results tomorrow on the blog.....and it will come into motion MARCH of 2006...

thank you very much....kristina from first hour. good luck with homework tonight

Tonight's homework is just below this post......
Keep scrolling down for #4.3-#4.5 homework.