Thursday, January 19, 2006

Welcome message

You have entered the danger zone. Warning! Warning! Warning! (sirens blaring in the background....woop! woop! woop!) You have just arrived at your new blog site. This is the place where I will post your homework assignments, news events, and notices of upcoming tests. It is also a place where you can communicate with your fellow geometricians as you make that slow, treacherous journey through my Geometry Honors class. I LOVE this course and take great pride in teaching it. It is my hope that you will eventually develop the same passion for it that I have. If not, at least gain enough knowledge to perform at a very high standard on the SAT or ACT.
Anyhoo, use this blog as a means of communicating with your fellow classmates. For instance, if you don't know how to do problem number 11 tonight, then you can post it. Hopefully, someone will read your posting and respond with a hint or an explanation of how to arrive at the answer. Use this blog to your benefit.
Also, there are helpful mathematical links on the left hand side. Click on each of them to see what they look like. Every now and then, I will offer extra credit for logging in to some of these sites.
Until then, happy blogging!!!!
Ms. Chan