Friday, January 27, 2006

# 2.1

  • Copy all bold-faced words and their corresponding pictures
  • (2-34) even

# 2.2

  • copy all bold-faced words and their corresponding pictures
  • (1-19) odd
  • (26-38) all

Happy blogging! Have a PG-13 weekend!

Post a question or a solution for credit.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Numbers 12-15 are now up!!!! #6 has been revised!
Sorry!!! :o(

Pre-Quiz: Finding the nth Term

Hey y'all! The follwoing questions are your pre-quiz, or practice quiz questions. These are the type of questions you will have to answer on your actual quiz next Tuesday. If you are able to answer the pre-quiz questions successfully, then you should have no problems with the real quiz that counts for a grade next Tuesday. can either post a question or a solution, but you better do one or the other. Also, don't forget to identify yourself: Last name, First name, Period. Happy blogging!

Pre-Q. Finding the nth Term
Geometry Honors

1. What is the sum of the first 550 odd integers?
2. What is the sum of the first 930 even integers?
3. What is the sum of the first 320 consecutive integers?
4. Find the sum of all the integers beginning with 333 and ending with 753.
5. Find the sum of all the odd integers beginning with 453 and ending with 789.
6. Find the sum of all the even integers beginning with 426 and ending with 628.
7. Find the nth term of the following values: -3, 8, 15, 24, 35
8. Find the nth term of the following values: 6, 21, 40, 63, 90
9. Find the value of the 90th term of the following values: 2, 9, 20, 35, 54, 77
10. Find the 65th term of the following values: 5, 40/3, 77/3, 42, 187/3
11. Find the value of the 50th term of the following values: 6, 25, 56, 99, 154, 221
12. Find the next term in the following sequence: 6, 4, 8/3, 16/9, 32/27.
13. Find the next term in the following sequence: 1, 6, 27, 65, 122, 201.
14. similar to #12 so no need to create another one
15. Find the next term in the following sequence: 10, 60, 140, 255, 411, 615
16. How many different groups of 3 can be formed in a class of 35 students? have to either:
  1. post a question or
  2. post a solution!!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Find the value of the 50th term of the following sequences:
  1. 2, 9, 20, 35, 54, 77
  2. 0, 3, 8, 15, 24, 35
  3. 4, 10, 18, 28, 40, 54
  4. 6, 21, 40, 63, 90, 121
  5. -3, 8, 25, 48, 77, 112
  6. 6, 25, 56, 99, 154, 221
  7. 5, 40/3, 77/3, 42, 187/3
  8. -10, -6, 0, 8, 18
  9. 3, 1, 0,0, 1, 3, 6

Find the next term:

  1. 4, -8, 16, -32, 64
  2. 18, -3, -6, 1/2, -12, -1/24

Find the sum of the:

  1. first 90 even integers.
  2. first 85 odd integers.
  3. 150 consecutive integers.
  4. 55 + 56+ 57+...+240=?
  5. 66+68+70+...+248=?
  6. 71+73+75+...+153=?
  7. 1+2+3+...+917=?
  8. 555+556+557+...+900=?
  9. 1+3+5+...+559=?
  10. 333+335+337+...763=?
  11. 2+4+6+...+1672=?
  12. 444+446+448+...+888=?

You MUST either:

  1. post a question
  2. post an answer

for credit this evening.

Have fun!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

HW: Finding the sum of nth odd, even, & consecutive #s

Aim 1: to find the sum of the first "n" odd integers

If you didn't get the nth term in class, create and complete a term and value chart. Label the top row "# of odd integers". Label the bottom row "Sum". Then, calculate the sum by completing the following:

  • 1
  • 1+3=?
  • 1+3+5=?
  • 1+3+5+7=?
  • 1+3+5=7+9=?

Practice Problems:

  1. Find the sum of the first 80 odd integers.
  2. Find the sum of the first 90 odd integers.
  3. Find the sum of the first 100 odd integers.
  4. 1+3+5+...+253=?
  5. 1+3+5+...+987=?
  6. 1+3+5+...+1269=?
  7. 255+257+259+...+757=?
  8. 339+341+343+...887=?
  9. 551+553+555+...+1111=?

Aim 2: to find the sum of the first "n" even integers

If you didn't get the nth term in class, create and complete a term and value chart. Label the top row "# of even integers". Label the bottom row "Sum". Then, calculate the sum by completing the following:

  • 2
  • 2+4=?
  • 2+4+6=?
  • 2+4+6+8=?
  • 2+4+6+8+10=?

Practice Problems:

  1. Find the sum of the first 250 even integers.
  2. Find the sum of the first 700 even integers.
  3. Find the sum of the first 1000 even integers.
  4. 2+4+6+...+500=?
  5. 2+4+6+...+1000=?
  6. 2+4+6+...+1600=?
  7. 450+452+454+...+988=?
  8. 234+236+238+...+1290=?
  9. 886+888+890+...+2000=?

Aim 3: to find the sum of the first "n" consecutive integers

We didn't get to figure out the nth term in class, but you can now create and complete a term and value chart. Label the top row "# of consecutive integers". Label the bottom row "Sum". Then, calculate the sum by completing the following:

  • 1
  • 1+2=?
  • 1+2+3=?
  • 1+2+3+4=?
  • 1+2+3+4+5=?
  • 1+2+3+4+5+6=?

Practice Problems:

  1. Find the sum of the first 20 consecutive integers.
  2. Find the sum of the first 100 consecutive integers.
  3. Find the sum of the first 1600 consecutive integers.
  4. 1+2+3+...+500=?
  5. 1+2+3+...+950=?
  6. 1+2+3+...+4280=?
  7. 450+451+452+...+921=?
  8. 263+264+265+...+900=?
  9. 567+568+569+...+789=?
  10. 678+679+680+...+1616=?

Please post questions and comments here.

Monday, January 23, 2006

# 1.5 continued
  • (11-22) all

# 1.6

  • (1-16) all

Please be sure to COPY ALL diagrams and pictures!!!

Post comments and/or questions here.

Friday, January 20, 2006

HW # 1.4 - # 1.5

# 1.4 (1-15) all
  • You MUST copy all charts and/or pictures!!!!

# 1.5
  • I 1.5.2
  • I 1.5.3
  • (1-10) all
  • Use 2 different colors when you're factoring!

Don't forget to fold your paper into 12 boxes!

Please post new comments here.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

# 1.2 HW contd.

# 1.2 (1-19) odd

P.S. You may choose whatever screen name you want. I recommend that you use your last name and first intial so that I may recognize you if I am looking to give you credit for logging on. If, however, you don't use your name in your screen name, then you MUST identify yourself in a posting. For instance, if your screen name is ThePuertoRican, then obviously I have no idea who you are. You will have to write your name in a posting and identify yourself.

Welcome message

You have entered the danger zone. Warning! Warning! Warning! (sirens blaring in the background....woop! woop! woop!) You have just arrived at your new blog site. This is the place where I will post your homework assignments, news events, and notices of upcoming tests. It is also a place where you can communicate with your fellow geometricians as you make that slow, treacherous journey through my Geometry Honors class. I LOVE this course and take great pride in teaching it. It is my hope that you will eventually develop the same passion for it that I have. If not, at least gain enough knowledge to perform at a very high standard on the SAT or ACT.
Anyhoo, use this blog as a means of communicating with your fellow classmates. For instance, if you don't know how to do problem number 11 tonight, then you can post it. Hopefully, someone will read your posting and respond with a hint or an explanation of how to arrive at the answer. Use this blog to your benefit.
Also, there are helpful mathematical links on the left hand side. Click on each of them to see what they look like. Every now and then, I will offer extra credit for logging in to some of these sites.
Until then, happy blogging!!!!
Ms. Chan