# 2.1
- Copy all bold-faced words and their corresponding pictures
- (2-34) even
# 2.2
- copy all bold-faced words and their corresponding pictures
- (1-19) odd
- (26-38) all
Happy blogging! Have a PG-13 weekend!
Post a question or a solution for credit.
# 2.1
# 2.2
Happy blogging! Have a PG-13 weekend!
Post a question or a solution for credit.
Find the next term:
Find the sum of the:
You MUST either:
for credit this evening.
Have fun!
Aim 1: to find the sum of the first "n" odd integers
Aim 2: to find the sum of the first "n" even integers
If you didn't get the nth term in class, create and complete a term and value chart. Label the top row "# of even integers". Label the bottom row "Sum". Then, calculate the sum by completing the following:
Practice Problems:
Aim 3: to find the sum of the first "n" consecutive integers
We didn't get to figure out the nth term in class, but you can now create and complete a term and value chart. Label the top row "# of consecutive integers". Label the bottom row "Sum". Then, calculate the sum by completing the following:
Practice Problems:
Please post questions and comments here.
# 1.5 continued
# 1.6
Please be sure to COPY ALL diagrams and pictures!!!
Post comments and/or questions here.
# 1.4 (1-15) all
Don't forget to fold your paper into 12 boxes!
Please post new comments here.
# 1.2 (1-19) odd